Fresh tattoo? Aftercare – 9 Common mistakes to avoid

How to avoid mistakes after getting a fresh tattoo – Tattoo Aftercare Instructions

We are going to tell you 9 mistakes to avoid after getting a fresh tattoo so that you have a speedy recovery with no infections and no complications. The more you strictly do proper Tattoo Aftercare, the better you will get results.

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  1. 1. Avoid Hot Water: When you first come home and take off that wrap and wash all that blood and plasma off your fresh tattoo whatever you do don’t use hot water. Hot water will open your pores leaving your tattoo more susceptible to bacterial infection and ink leakage what you want to do is use lukewarm water

2. Be Careful when you shower: Next point which is careful when you shower with your new fresh tattoo and the reason for that is if the shower head that you’re using shoots out water with a lot of pressure and that makes contact with your brand new tattoo it can actually ruin it however you can still take showers a day after getting your tattoo but whatever you do avoid shower to tattoo contact

3. Don’t cover your tattoo for too long you should always listen to your artist aftercare advice first and foremost but the majority of artists will tell you to take off the wrap a few hours after your session and this is because you want to keep your tattoo exposed as much as possible because it will allow it to heal much quicker

4. Don’t put on any sort of lotion or aftercare cream on your brand new tattoo for the first few days think of it this way your tattoo is like a fresh wound and it won’t heal if you’re constantly suffocating it and getting it wet it needs to be exposed and get dry in order to heal faster around day three is when you typically want to start using the aftercare cream.

Some Reputed Tattoo Aftercare Creams and Lotions

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5. Do not put on too much Tattoo aftercare cream on your brand new tattoo. We know, you may see your dry wrinkly peeling tattoo and go into absolute panic mode and want to grab your aftercare cream and add layers on layers of cream but don’t do that and whatever you do don’t worry it’s completely normal and a part of the healing process over-moisturizing can suffocate your tattoo and liquefy any scabs that have been formed causing your ink to fall out and look blotchy

6. Don’t peel your tattoo and don’t pick any scabs peeling your tattoo off yourself can actually completely ruin it because you might try to peel off one little part of it and all of a sudden you’ve taken off a lot more ink than you should have and that can leave your colors shadings and lines completely messed up so just let your body take care of the peeling itself and the reason you shouldn’t pick any scabs is because your fingers can actually transfer bacteria to your fresh tattoo and not only can that cause an infection but it can also cause scarring as well now 

7. Don’t wear tight clothes: We suggest wearing clothes that are as loose as possible so that your fresh tattoo can breathe and not get sweaty and also because if your clothes are too tight and constantly rubbing off on your brand new tattoo that can actually peel off more ink than you want and leave your tattoo looking blotchy and ruined now depending on where you live.

8. No Direct Sunlight: it might be summer and the sun might be shining and you might just get tempted to go out in the sun and want to show off your brand new tattoo to everyone after all why wouldn’t you because your tattoo looks amazing but be very careful not to expose your tattoo to direct sunlight for at least a month especially in the first two weeks sun exposure can fade your tattoo extremely quickly and make your one-week-old tattoo look like it’s 10 years old it can also burn your skin and cause scarring so be warned

9. No swimming: this includes open water pools hot tubs and baths like I said earlier you want to keep your tattoo dry so it heals faster so don’t submerge it in water and not only does submerging your tattoo in water cause your tattoo to heal slower but the chlorine from the pools and the bacteria from open water and the bathtubs can be very harmful to your tattoo so if you guys want to avoid any of these complications then just suck it up for four weeks maybe a little longer just to be on the safer side and avoid doing any of these and your future self and your future tattoo will thank you for it now

For more additional Tattoo Aftercare related Article Click here

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